Why a Course on CRM?

As a real estate agent, mastering your CRM is one of the most important tools because it is managing all of your relationships.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Why are CRM's Important?

  • 2

    Database Management Secrets

    • Theory and Need for Database Management

    • Process of Organization

    • Organize CRM Based on Behavior

    • Organize CRM Based on Relationship

    • Organize CRM Based on Sanity

    • Ponds: Not Just for Fishing

  • 3

    Organization of Your CRM

    • Stages of a Lead's Journey

    • Categorize Your Leads

    • Tagging 101

    • Defining Lead Sources

    • Lead Flow 101

  • 4

    Automation Mastery

    • Zapier - Digital Duct Tape

    • Automate Lead Follow Up

    • Automate Past Client

    • Automate Lead Management

    • Automate ROI Reporting

  • 5


    • Fixing Email (Spam Prevention)

    • Email Marketing - ADVANCED

    • Texting Successfully

  • 6

    Final Recomendations

    • Bringing It All Together

In This Course You'll Learn:

  • CRM Strategy

  • Database Management

  • Targeted Marketing

  • Automation Tips

Barry Jenkins, Course Creator

Realtor, Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Author, and Product Development at Ylopo

Barry began his career at the age of 18, and has spanned almost two decades. He currently runs a team in Virginia Beach, VA & he’s also the CMO of Better Homes and Gardens NAGR. His real estate team at this firm sold just under 900 units last year and is ranked #9 on the Real Trends to 1,000 teams in America. He is also a full time Executive at Ylopo with the title of “Head Realtor in Residence” where he trains their customers; assists with product development & platform evangelism for them as well. His passions are his faith: being an ordained minister himself; his wife; and his 3 children.
Barry Jenkins Profile
  • One of the top teams in America

  • We consistently sell 900 homes a year

  • Most of the day-to-day is automated

Slay the Dragon: CRM Mastery

Learn Barry's approach to CRM Strategy, Database Management, Targeted Marketing, and Automation Tips for Real Estate Agents.

Contact Barry